Throwback Natural Leaf Cigars in Wholesale
If you are a wholesaler or retailer who is looking to buy throwback cigars in bulk, as a leading cigar distributor in the USA, Coastal Wholesale would like to introduce various flavors of natural leaf throwback cigars at a very competitive price.
Currently, we have a box of 40 Throwback cigars, each box contains 4 packs with 5 cigars in each pack making it perfect for bulk purchase. No matter what quantity you need, we have enough stock of throwback cigars to meet the demand of all the customer that comes to us. All you need is to register as a wholesaler or retailer and place your order online.
Why Throwback Cigar
Throwback Natural Leaf Cigars create an ideal smoking experience for any level smoker. With unique combinations and smooth pull, it elevates cigar smoking in a new way.
These cigars utilize all-natural tobaccos and come in an array of flavors. From Sweet Aromatic, Russian Cream, Wild Berry, Black Velvet, Grape Cherry Blizz, Banana Nana and Original, there’s a favorite for everyone. Offering both the look and feel of the Wild West with their distinctive features of unfinished heads and frayed ends, they are hard to mistake for any other cigar.
Whether you like originals or are a sweet tooth smoker, this affordable brand offers one-of-a-kind selections with a proven track record of reliability and consistently incredible taste. Aged for 12 months, it allows for the natural sweetness to emerge to its surface before the addition of any flavors. Unlike anything in its category, Throwback Natural Leaf Cigars create a lasting impression for smokers.
Throwback cigars flavors
- Original
- Russian Cream
- Sweet Aromatic
- Wild Berry
- Grape Cherry Blizz
- Banana Nana
- Black Velvet